EXAPUNKS - Basic Commands - Magic Game World

EXAPUNKS – Basic Commands

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CommandSyntax – Usage

COPY – R/N R – Copy the specified value to the specified register


ADDI – R/N R/N R – Adds the first two values and stores the result in the specified register


SUBI – R/N R/N R – Subtracts the second value from the first and store the result in the specified register


MULI – R/N R/N R – Multiplies the first two values and stores the result in the specified register


DIVI – R/N R/N R – Return how many times the second value fits completely into the first value, and store it in the specified register


MODI – R/N R/N R – Returns the modulus of a division operation and stores it in the specified register


SWIZ – R/N R/N R – Modifies the given number according to a mask


MARK – L – Create a label with the specified name. Does not add to the line count – similar to NOTE


JUMP – L – Jumps to the specified label


TJMP – L – Jumps to the specified label if the T register is greater than 0


FJMP – L – Jumps to the specified label if the T register is 0


TEST – R/N =/</> R/N | EOF | MRD – Tests the specified condition, writing the result to T.


REPL – L – Creates a new EXA running from the specified label


HALT – Kills the current EXA, dropping any held file


KILL – Kills a random EXA in this host (Prefers EXAs owned by the player)


LINK – R/N – Traverses the specified link


HOST – R – Writes the current hostname to the specified register


MODE – Toggles the M register’s access mode between Local and Global


VOID – M/F – Removes the current value from the currently held file / M register


MAKE – Create a new file, held by this EXA


GRAB – R/N – Grab the specified file


FILE – R – Write the current file name to the specified register


SEEK – R/N – Move X values in the held file, where X can be between -9999 and 9999


DROP – Drops the currently held file


WIPE – Deletes the currently held file


NOTE – Note instructions do not count towards the line-count


NOOP – Do nothing for 1 cycle


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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