Cultist Simulator Cheats
Opening the Debug Console
You can open the debug console while the game is in progress by pressing CTRL+` (CTRL plus Backquote). You may have to tap backquote several times, and it works more reliably if the CTRL key is held for a moment before you press `.
The top box allows you to enter the name of an asset that other buttons operate on. These asset names are not visible in the game and need to be extracted from the game resources.
- +1, -1 and >>30 will give you 1, take 1, of the card type shown in the box.
- >>30Â will immediately fast forward 30 seconds.
- Begin Situation will immediately fire the verb named in the box if it exists.
- Halt Verb will stop the timer on the event named in the box if it’s running.
- Update Content will reload all of the game’s data files from the resource database. This is probably not useful unless you are editing the resource files.
- End Game will um, end the game.
- Load and Save will immediately load and save the game. Always save before doing anything risky, so you can load if it turns out to go wrong.
- Reset Decks resets the status of all decks. This means that Unique items can appear again.
- Next Track changes the music track playing.
Basic resources
You can use the +1 with IDs health, passion, reason to immediately gain those things.
Enter a time then click Halt Verb to stop the Time Passes event from running and draining money. This may also prevent the random generation of negative statuses (like sickness) but it will also stop the random generation of positive ones (like good days).
Specific Debug Commands
Any of the following can be started by typing their name in the box and clicking “begin situation”.
_adeptskit: gives mid-level fragments, ingredients, and tools.
_memoryvault: retrieves all items stored as last actions.
_ascensionending: show a Grail vectory.
_arrest: show the Imprisonment ending.
_mansustest, _mansusteststag, _mansustestpeacock, mansustestgate, _mansustestspider _mansustestwhite: enter the Mansus immediately via the given gate.
Holding Cards Away from Magnets
If you’ve got a card that’s going to be magnetized (for instance, a Fascination card when you have that box that will kill you with 3 Fascinations), you can keep it out of the box by picking it up and holding it in your hand (that is, clicking and holding on it), and if you need to do something else, you can pause, do whatever, pick it back up and unpause, until you’re out of danger.
Note: This glitch was performed on an unpatched version of the game. It is likely to eventually get patched.