Xbox One Controls for Doom Eternal - Magic Game World

Xbox One Controls for Doom Eternal

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Xbox One Controls

What buttons do what on my Xbox One controller? What are the default key bindings?

Every control option on the Xbox One version of Doom Eternal. You can customize the key bindings in the options menu. Simply navigate to Options > Controls from the main menu of the game.


Jump  A 
Dash  B 
Chainsaw  X 
Flame Belch  Y 
Look Around  Right Analog Stick 
Glory Kill  RS 
Switch Weapon/ Weapon Wheel (Hold)  RB 
Fire Weapon  RT 
Pause Menu  Menu 
Weapon Mod  LT 
Equipment Launcher  LB 
Switch Weapon Mod  Up on d-pad 
Crucible  Right on d-pad 
Switch Equipment  Left on d-pad 
Move  Left analog stick 


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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