WoW Classic - Best Professions for Hunters - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Best Professions for Hunters

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Got a Hunter in Classic WoW and scratching your head over profession choices? Allow me to serve as your guide through this maze:


The Gold Hunt: If you’re in the game to stack up that gold, Mining coupled with Herbalism is your golden goose. Given a Hunter’s predisposition to engage enemies from a distance, Skinning could be a tad time-consuming, as you’d have to get up close and personal to loot. But here’s a tip: let your trusty pet engage the foes while you zero in on plant and ore nodes. If, however, you’re not averse to investing some post-combat time, Skinning can be a veritable goldmine. Especially since Hunters excel at solo encounters with formidable foes—like the infamous Devilsaur in Un’goro Crater.


Crafting Conundrum: Leather vs. Gear: If crafting’s more your style, you’re likely torn between Leatherworking and Engineering, weighing armor benefits against offensive capabilities. Pairing Leatherworking with a Hunter’s prowess in tackling big baddies, like those aforementioned Devilsaurs, can be a lucrative venture. Not only can you craft and peddle top-tier gear, but specializing in Dragonscale also sets you up nicely when transitioning to mail armor.


Engineering: Gnomish or Goblin? Engineering, with its two distinct paths offers a buffet of gadgets to augment your Hunter gameplay. Gnomish Engineering flaunts the Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector—a nifty tool to immobilize foes, granting you the perfect window to rain arrows (just hope it doesn’t malfunction). On the flip side, Goblin Engineering presents the Goblin Rocket Helm—a marvel for stunning adversaries. Couple that with Iron Grenades, and you’ve got yourself ample time to either distance yourself from threats or regroup and heal. The choice? It hinges on whether you prioritize control or combat dynamics.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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