The Sims 4 - Live Mode Keyboard Shortcuts - Magic Game World

The Sims 4 – Live Mode Keyboard Shortcuts

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Live Mode Keyboard Shortcuts

Sim/Household Controls

Switch to next Sim in Household: (Space or N)

Switch to Specific Sim: (Click Sim portrait)

Lock Camera to Sim: (Right-Click Sim portrait)

Center Camera on active Sim: (Enter)



Time Controls

Pause Game: (P or 0 or ‘)

Regular/Fast/Ultra Speed: (1/2/3)



Camera Movement

Move left/right: (Arrow Left/Right or A/D)

Move forward/back: (Arrow UP/Down or W/S)

Move Faster: (Hold Shift + Camera Mov’t)

Zoom in/out: (Z/X or +/-)

Toggle Map Mode: <em(M)



General Controls

Undo/Redo: (Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+V)

Cancel: (Esc)

Toggle Cheat Window: (Ctrl + Shift + C)


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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