We Were Here Too - How to Solve The Puzzles as Peasant - Magic Game World

We Were Here Too – How to Solve The Puzzles as Peasant


Peasant Gameplay

You start in room 1, with a stone altar in the middle of the room; your partner will give you 3 symbols that you have to match on the altar; when the symbols match, pull the red lever on the right side of the altar. Your door will now open, as well as your partners.


In-room 2, you start in a ritual chamber, with 6 lights, 2 banners (A red on the left and a blue on the right), and 8 symbols in the middle of the lights.


1) Get your partner to say in which order you have to light the candles.


2) Go to one of the banners, and make out the symbols your partner describes to you.


3) You can now run up a staircase, be careful; when stepping on the first step, the stairs will slowly remove under you. Now describe the cross on the wall to your partner, always start with the cross, and imagine pointing north, if it’s not already. (The Cross folds together as a box)


In-room 3, you will get into a room with a steering wheel in front of you; this is to pull back the wall that is slowly killing your partner. Your partner now has to tell you what armor stands are holding what and in what hand. It’s your job to ensure that they are placed the same way in your partner’s room. (Don’t forget to reset the wall, or it could become a crushing experience) /Bad pun intended\


In room 4, there is a large chess’ish playing field, as well as some pictures.


1) Your partner now has to describe the glass pictures on the wall. And you will have to place them in the right order.


2) The chess’ish playing field just got some knights on it, and it’s now your job to guide your partner, to kill them all. (Keep in mind, he only sees the towers, and rocks, as well as his OWN player pond that you can’t see, so even tho, you tell him to move forward, he might not be able to because of his pond being blocked. (This part takes patience)


When you kill all the knights, you will get 2 new players on the board; these have to get into the towers simultaneously.


When the knights are placed in the towers, 2 new will spawn in. And they have to go through the gates at the same time.


The chess plate will now drop, and you can continue into the next room.


3) You enter a room where some black dots are on the floor, step on the one in the middle. And now, let your partner guide you around the maze until you get into the next room. (These are easy to remember when done it enough times – Might get changed when an update comes out)


In room 5, there is 1 puzzle that you will have to guide your partner through.


There is a sign above some symbols on your side; every symbol is pushed down by 1; help your partner solve this and rescue you from the lava rising beneath you.


(I can’t help you anymore in room 5, It would help too much.)


The last room is elementary; only one can leave with the elevator to live. Using the steering wheel at the bottom, one will stand back and let the other out.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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