Victoria 3 - Law Categories: The Ultimate Guide - Magic Game World

Victoria 3 – Law Categories: The Ultimate Guide

Victoria 3 - Law Categories

Weโ€™ve got three main categories of laws, and each one has seven sub-categories. Within those, there are up to six specific law options to choose from.


Now, even though these laws usually do their own thing and donโ€™t interfere with each other, there are some cases in the sub-categories where you canโ€™t just flip from one extreme to the other. Youโ€™ve got to take it step by step, picking the intermediate laws before you can reach the other extreme.


Hereโ€™s a rundown of the categories:



Power Structure Laws

  • Army Model: This is all about organizing and regulating your military forces.


  • Bureaucracy: This one covers how your country is managed and run.


  • Church and State: Here weโ€™re talking about the relationship between religious and governmental authorities.


  • Citizenship: This is about extending rights to citizens.


  • Governance Principles: These are the foundational rules and authority guiding how your country operates, including deciding the Head of State.


  • Distribution of Power: This oneโ€™s about figuring out how political power is spread out, and determining who the Head of State has to answer to.


  • Internal Security: This covers keeping your own house in order.



Economy Laws

  • Colonization: This is your stance on setting up colonies and taking over less centralized nations.


  • Economic System: The basic principles that underpin your economy.


  • Education System: How you handle education after the basic stuff.


  • Health System: This oneโ€™s about how much the government gets involved in healthcare.


  • Policing: Setting priorities for your national police force.


  • Taxation: How the state brings in money through taxes.


  • Trade Policy: The laws that govern trading goods across borders.



Human Rights Laws

  • Childrenโ€™s Rights: Protecting the kiddos and their rights.


  • Free Speech: The rules around speaking freely and public gatherings.


  • Labor Rights: Protecting workers’ rights.


  • Migration: Managing how people move in and out.


  • Rights of Women: Ensuring fair treatment and rights for women.


  • Slavery: The issue of people being treated as property.


  • Welfare: Supporting those in need with government assistance.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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