Pixel Shinobi: Nine demons of Mamoru Cheats - Magic Game World

Pixel Shinobi: Nine demons of Mamoru Cheats

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Tips & Tricks

Healing Items

Healing potions stack (might wear off over time), so you can effectively have as many life bars as you want, but you heal over time. So you will need to get to safty in order to allow health to refill (does not carry over at check points)



Change Map

If you are having trouble with the layout of a level, quit the game and re-launch it. This will change the basic structure of the level.




There is always a little area behind where you spawn at the begining of a level. Sometimes there are chests in this area.




Usually 2 per level (sometimes 3). Once you trigger one, the other will reignite. You can use this to chain them back and forth to clear out later levels.



Throwing Stars

Use Sirukens to interrupt Enemy’s guard, then attack (helps a LOT with sward weilding enemies). Upgrading the Shiruken Skills will give you a chance to reuse them, and they will miss less often. Green tipped Shiruken apply poison for damage over time.




W/ Fuse: Timed Explosion (caft w/ wick)

No Fuse: Explode on Impact (craft w/ Impact Fuse)

Mine: Explode when Touched




Once unlocked, you can kill any enemy by touching them while holding Block (if unaware) this can be combined with Dash.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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