Mass Effect Andromeda PC Controls & Key Bindings Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Mass Effect: Andromeda /
16 Mar 2017
All PC users that play Mass Effect Andromeda can choose to use the default key bindings that the game gives them, or they can customize their key bindings in the options menu.
All PC Settings
General Bindings
- W: Move Forward
- S: Move Backward
- A: Strafe Left
- D: Strafe Right
- Left Control: Walk
- Spacebar: Use/ Cover/ Storm
- V: Navigational Assistance
- Middle Mouse Button: Cover Turn
- F5: Quick Save
- F9: Quick Load
- ESC: Pause/Menu
Combat Bindings
- Left Mouse Button: Shoot
- Right Mouse Button: Aim
- R: Reload
- F: Melee
- X: Swap Weapon / Exit Mounted Gun
- Mouse Scroll Down: Next Weapon
- Mouse Scroll Up: Previous Weapon
- (HOLD) Left Shift: Command HUD
- C: Order Rally
- Q: Order Squadmate 1 to Move/Attack
- E: Order Squadmate 2 to Move/Attack
- Z: Order Attack
- Key 1-8: Quick Slot 1-8 perform Each Quick Slot Power or Ability
Multiplayer Bindings
- T: Text Chat
- (HOLD) Tab: Voice Chat
- Spacebar: Prolong Life
When attempting to bind keys (PC), no matter what function I am trying to bind, whether its walk forwards, backwards, shoot, or aim, or ect. It always for some reason puts F1 as the binding ….. only way I have seen to fix this is to save, exit the game, and attempt it again ……. so idk if its on my end or the games, running Razer Naga Hex, Razer Deathstalker Keyboard, and Razer Firefly Chroma Mouse Pad, with an updated version of Razer Synaps……. this is the only game I have had this issue on, which makes me think… Read more »
I’m having the same problem. Can’t change any binding because F1 is desperate for attention.