Lambda Wars Console Commands
Articles, Misc. Guides /
11 Apr 2019
Console Commands
To enter Lambda Wars cheats into the PC Commands Console, hit ~ (or the key above Tab) to bring up the developer console, and enter these codes for the desired effect.
Note: Make sure you have the Console enabled by looking in Settings > Keyboard and mouse then click enable dev console and then done.
Then you need to start a map of some kind using:
map <map name>
Then enable cheats via:
sv_cheats 1
Gameplay related:
- wars_giveresources <ResourceName> <Amount> <Player|optional> – Give resources
- wars_build_instant – build units instantly (ignoring build times)
- unitpanel – Show a panel for spawning units
- unit_create – Create an unit from the console.
- abilitypanel – Show a panel to execute abilities.
- wars_abi – Execute an ability from the console.
- playermodifiertool – Show a panel to modify some player instance data like the color.
- attributemodifiertool – Show a panel for modifying attributes of units.
- load_gamepackage – Load a game package.
- change_ownernumber – Change your owner number.
- sv_unitlimit – Controls the maximum population per player.
- wars_setgamerules – Change the gamerules.
Map related:
- wars_editor – Open tools for the flora editor and navigation mesh
- sv_fogofwar 0 – Disable fog of war
- noclip – Free fly mode
CPU/AI Player Related:
- wars_strategicai_enable – Enable CPU Player for specific player
- wars_strategicai_disable – Disable CPU Player for specific player
- wars_strategicai_debugprint – Prints debug information about a CPU player
Nav Mesh Related:
- recast_build – Builds the navigation mesh
- recast_draw_navmesh – Visualizes the navigation mesh
- recast_draw_nodepth – Draws the navigation mesh with no depth. Can be useful if map geometry is overlapping the mesh, but if you have multiple layers this can look confusing.
- recast_draw_trimeshslope – Visualizes the map geometry used by the build process. Useful if the navigation mesh result does not match the expected result.
- recast_build_numthreads – Max number of threads used when building navigation meshes in parallel (restricted by the number of meshes to build).
- recast_loadmapmesh – Generates the map geometry used by the build process. recast_build will do this automatically, but can be useful if you only want to visualize the generated map geometry.