God Eater 3: PS4 Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, God Eater 3 /
08 Feb 2019
Every control option on the PS4 version of God Eater 3.
PS4 Controller Bindings
- Square – Light Attack (Melee Form)/ Fire Bullet 1 (Gun Form) – Square
- Triangle – Heavy Attack (Melee Form)/Fire Bullet 2 (Gun Form)
- Hold Triangle – Charge Devour (Melee Only)
- Hold Triangle or Square – swap Bullets while in Gun Form.
- Circle – Dash (Melee Form)/Roll (Gun Form)
- X – Jump in normal mode and Can jump a second time in Burst Mode.
- R2 + X: Dive
- R1 – Switch between Melee or Gun Form
- Tilt R3 – Swap Lock-On Targets
- Hold L1 – Lock-On, Tip – Assault Guns, Shotguns, and Ray Guns will lock on but Snipers can’t lock on so it just zooms even further.
- Touchpad – Bring up Item Pallet.
- Triangle while Item Pallet is up – Bring up Command Pallet
- R1 + Triangle – Quick/Air Devour (Melee Form)
- R1 + Triangle –  Fire Link Burst Shot (Gun Form)
- R1 + Circle – Guard (Melee Form)
- R1 + Circle – Special Gun Action (Gun Form)
- R1 + Square – Special Melee Action (Melee Form)
- R1 + X – Melee to Gun Action (Melee Form)