Fear the Night – How to Use The Admin Commands
How to Bind Your Console Key
By Default the Console Key should be set to Tilde [ ` / ~ ] Key.
If you want to change it, goto Options > Keybinds > Toggle Console.
Logging in as Admin
Press Tilde (Default) key ingame, you’re console will appear at the bottom, then type the follow below.
enablecheats <password>
example = enablecheats pass123
After logging in you can enter commands as you are now authenicated.
Whitelisting an Admin
This allows you to use commands without needing to login as Admin.
Create a file in the directory \Moonlight\Saved\ called AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt
It should look like this \Moonlight\Saved\AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt
From here, list on each line the Steam64 ID’s you wish to authorize, these users will be able to cheat without logging in as Admin. To get the Steam64 ID you can use https://steamid.io/