Citadel: Forged With Fire Console Commands
Articles, Citadel: Forged with Fire /
26 Jul 2017
Here are the essential commands for administration on your dedicated servers:
The following admin commands can be used directly in the Citadel: Forged With Fire game chat.
Command – Description
- /admin_login <password you set in game.ini> – Login as an admin
- /admin_update <new password> – Change the admin password
- /admin_delete <player> – Remove a players admin access
- /server_kick <player> <reason> – Kick a player from the server (with a reason)
- /ban <player> <reason> – Ban a player from the server (with a reason)
- /fly (removed?) – Toggle flying (on yourself)
- /flightspeed <number> (removed?) – Set the flight speed
- /teleport <latitude> <longitude> – Teleport to a certain location on the map
- /settime <time of day> – Set the time of day in the server
- /givexp <amount> – Give xp to yourself
- /giveitem <item name> <amount> – Give an item to yourself
Here is the full list;
Unreal Engine Commands
- stat Unit – Overall frame time as well as the game thread, rendering thread, and GPU times.
- Stat FPS 1 or Stat FPS 0 – Enables/Disables the fps overlay
- setres – Set the resolution. Replace those numbers with your desired resolution. For Example: setres 1920×1080
- ShowCollision – Shows collision components in-game
- ToggleDebugCamera –Â Debug Camera
- p.NetShowCorrections 1 – Shows server-client desyncs