Wasteland 3 - How to play Multiplayer games with any other players - Magic Game World

Wasteland 3 – How to play Multiplayer games with any other players

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How to play Multiplayer games with any other players

Wasteland 3 allows the players to play multiplayer games with any other players, as long as they can set up UDP-based network connections.



For LAN game:

When all players are in the same LAN environment, simply have one player to host the game by:


1.1. In the Main Menu, select Multiplayer


1.2. select Direct Connect


1.3. select Host Game


1.4. Type in port number (default to 7777)



Then have the guest player to:

1.5. In the Main Menu, select Multiplayer


1.6. select Direct Connect


1.7. select Join Game


1.8. type in the host’s LAN IP address and port number that is set up at step 4.



Internet game

2.1. Set up Port Forwarding

If the host machine is behind NAT devices such as a router or firewall, the host player may need to set up port forwarding on the NAT devices. This is to allow the external player to connect to the host machine.


Please be aware of that doing so may expose your devices or confidential information to the risk of exposure. If you decide to take the risk:



2.1. On your NAT devices, such as your home router, you can set up port forwarding on the UDP port of your choice. For example, you can set up a port forwarding on UDP port 7777, and then use 7777 in the host and join the steps below.


Please refer to your device’s manual on how to set up the port forwarding. Please note that we do not support UPNP at the moment.



2.2. Once the port forwarding is set up, the host player can host a Direct Connect game with the following steps:


2.3. Start the game, in the Main Menu, select Multiplayer


2.4. select Direct Connect


2.5. select Host Game


2.6. Type in the port number you set up in step 1.


2.7. Find your external IP address. You can find your external IP address with any web service.


2.8 The Host player needs to give its external IP address and port number to the guest player through 3rd party services. Again the risk is in your own hand.



Once the guest player receives the external IP address and port number, it can connect to the host player with the following steps:


2.9. Start the game, in the Main Menu, select Multiplayer


2.10. select Direct Connect


2.11. select Join Game


2.12. type in the host’s LAN IP address and port number that is set up at step 4.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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