Trials of Mana Cheats, Codes, and Secrets - Magic Game World

Trials of Mana Cheats, Codes, and Secrets

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All Li’l Cactus Locations

Li’l Cactus Location #1

The first one you can find is in the Golden Road area. Keeping following the path west until the path splits into North and South. Head north and you will find your first Li’l Cactus location in Trials of Mana.



Li’l Cactus Location #2

The second Li’l Cactus is in the Free City of Maia. In the southeast section of the map there is row of stalls you can jump on. Climb aboard and head south to find your next Li’l Cactus placed on top of a crate.



Li’l Cactus Location #3

The third one is in the Dwarf Tunnel I area. Look in the cave to the west past the wooden bridge. You can spot the Li’l Cactus near the campfire, really hard to miss this one.



Li’l Cactus Location #4

The next Li’l Cactus is at the Molebear Moors I area. It is just part of the wooden bridge to the east. Head south and you will come across another wooden bridge, cross it and you will easily spot your next Li’l Cactus.



Li’l Cactus Location #5

The next Li’l Cactus is at the Stonesplit II. Go south from the entrance and you will see the Li’l Cactus near the torch on the rock platform to the east.



Li’l Cactus Location #6

The 6th Li’l Cactus is in the Valsena, Kindom of the Plains. Go northeast from the statue in the middle of the town, look for the fenced area where the Li’l Cactus is hiding.



Li’l Cactus Location #7

Now we are heading to the Merchant Town Beiser area. Go to the weapon shop to the west, the Li’l Cactus is on the left side of the building.



Li’l Cactus Location #8

Go to the Polo Port area and you will find the Li’l Cactus next to a tree in the north, look near the well.



Li’l Cactus Location #9

The next Li’l Cactus is n the Heavsway I area. Locate the waterfall in the lower east section. The Li’l Cactus is near the waterfall.



Li’l Cactus Location #10

There is another Li’l Cactus in the Heavensway I area. Look in the small alcove near the shore on the south side.



Li’l Cactus Location #11

There is one in the Jadd Stronghold area. Look in the Southwest corner of the map. The Li’l Cactus is to the right of the stairs.



Li’l Cactus Location #12

Head to the Rabite Forest, go southwest and look near the treasure chest.



Li’l Cactus Location #13

There is another Li’l Cactus in the Rabite Forest by the shore to the northeast.



Li’l Cactus Location #14

Go to the Lakeside Town Astoria; the Li’l Cactus is at the path of flowers to the northwest section of the map.



Li’l Cactus Location #15

Head to Gusthall I and look in the southeast section of the map.



Li’l Cactus Location #16

In the Gusthall I area look inside the cave in the middle section. Use the gust to reach a ledge to your left and you will find the Li’l Cactus.



Li’l Cactus Location #17

Last on the Trials of Mana Li’l Cactus locations list, is the Snow Hamlet Alrant area. Look in front of the building in the northeast.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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