The Evil Within 2 Cheat Codes
Articles, Cheats, The Evil Within 2 /
15 Oct 2021
How to Activate The Cheat Codes
Right-click the game title, go to Properties, set Launch Option, and type: +com_allowconsole 1 to enable the command console in-game.
Note: Achievements will be disabled until you turn the Cheats off.
When in Gameplay, press the insert key on your keyboard (This will pull up the Console Command), Then type idStudio to enable cheat mode.
Useful Cheat Codes
- cvaradd g_infiniteammo 1 – Gives you unlimited Ammo
- pl_FPS 1 – First-Person Mode
- pl_FPS 0 – Third Person Mode
- GiveUnlock – Gives all key items in your inventory!
- RemoveUnlock – Takes them away.
- devmapjump MAPNAME – Skip Chapters. Replace mapname with the map itself, for example devmapjump st01_main
That starts from the beginning,
this: devmapjump st02_main
and: devmapjump st03_main
Note: When stage jumping you will lose items and upgrades have you collected.
Note2:Â No god mode or noclip, but there is a teleport command.
listCmds * – This will show a list of all console commands available outside of cheat mode.