Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Noble Guardians Build
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
02 Jul 2019
Noble Guardians Build
Early Team Members:Â Use any placeholders you need to stay alive as you wait for the rest of your nobles
Final Team Comp:Â Garen, Vayne, Fiora, Lucian, Leona, Kayle, Braum, Sejuani
Carries: Garen, Vayne, Kayle
Strategy: Get 3 nobles on the field as fast as possible, preferably Garen and Vayne then either Lucian or Fiora. Then start farming as many Garens and Vaynes as you can they are your key to winning. This build won’t be winnable until you get all 6 Nobles on the field so just be patient.
NOTE:Â You will win the majority of early games, go even mid game and late game until you are full nobles you are going to lose hard. However, when you hit 6 nobles you are sitting in a pretty good spot to win the game.