Subnautica: Below Zero PS4 Cheats
Articles, Cheats, Subnautica /
27 Jan 2019
Enter your world at the start of the game and then press Square + X + R1 + L1 simultaneously to display the ‘Dev Console’ screen. Then enter one of the following codes (without the quotes) to activate the corresponding effect. Note: when you leave the game ALL cheats will be disabled.
Cheat Codes List
Command – Effect
- Invisible – Aggressive fauna won’t attack you.
- NoSurvival – Disables hunger and thirst.
- NoDamage – Makes you invulnerable.
- NoEnergy – Provides unlimited energy for bases, vehicles, and items.
- NoCost – Allows free crafting and fabricating.
- FastScan – Instantly registers new subjects when scanned.
- Oxygen – Grants infinite oxygen.
- Kill – Ends your character’s life.
- FastGrow – Seeds grow instantly.
- FastBuild – Speeds up base building.
- Weather – Disables all weather events (e.g., blizzards) and sets outside temperature to 22°C.
- Speed (#) – Sets game speed multiplier; for example, using 2 doubles it, while 0.5 halves it.
- DayNightSpeed (#) – Adjusts day/night cycle speed; 1 is default, 2 is double speed, and 0.5 is half.
- Day – Sets time to noon.
- Night – Sets time to midnight.
- Spawn Hoverbike – Spawns a rideable hoverbike.
- Spawn Seatruck or Spawn Seamoth – Spawns a sea truck.
- MadLoot – Gives you some useful items.
- ClearInventory – Deletes all items in your inventory.
- Item (Item name) (amount) – Spawns specific items in your inventory, such as “item copperwire 10.”
- Spawn (Item name) (amount) – Spawns items in front of you, like “spawn seaglide 1.”
- UnlockAll – Grants all blueprints.
- BobTheBuilder – Combines multiple effects like fast building, unlocking all, no cost, and adds these items:
Habitat Builder
Survival Knife
Repair Tool