Mighty NO. 9 Credits is Longer Than The Game Itself - Magic Game World

Mighty NO. 9 Credits is Longer Than The Game Itself


Might No. 9 is one of the most highly recognized Kickstarter games. Fans had high hopes for the game which was seen as Mega Man’s spiritual successor, but it is now clear that it failed to live up to those expectations.


Mighty No. 9 received a MetaCritic score of 54% based on critics’ scores and a user score of 3.3. Most reviews complain that the game is a lifeless imitation of the original Mega Man with some uninspired additions that subtract from the experience. Players also complained that the game is too short.


The game is too short, it takes longer to watch its end credits than to play through the game. The credits is exactly 3 hours and 48 minutes long while the game’s campaign takes 3 to 5 hours to finish with speedrunners finishing it in less than an hour. The folks at GameXplain posted the whole credits to YouTube in case you want to spend the better part of your day watching text scroll.



  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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