MapleStory 2 – Getting Started
1. Create a home and add furniture according to the checklist until you hit 1100 Decoration Score, then Claim Gift as soon as possible. This starts Home Decoration leveling.
2. Move to Evansville and gather Copper and Majoram, then go to My Home and put Chicken and Rice then gather them. This starts Life Skills: Gathering leveling.
3. If you want to level up a guild, start or join a guild as soon as possible. Guild quests cannot be accepted until exactly 24 hours after entry.
4. Do not enchant items until level 50. Gear changes too quickly at that point to consider spending Onyx Crystals.
5. Exploration goals grant EXP scaled to your level so you should complete them after level 50.
6. If you are level 47 or 48 and you have not reached your weekly dungeon limit, get all rewards. When you reach level 50, your weekly dungeon limit will reset immediately.
Optimizing Stats:
Before Level 50: Place all attribute points in your job’s main stat.
Level 50 not Thief or Assassin: Reset attribute points and place all attribute points in critical rate.
Level 50 Thief or Assassin: Keep attribute points in your job’s main stat (Luck) as it already increases critical rate.
Piercing 30%, Piercing 4% can be obtained from Scion of Light souvenir (60-minute housing item buff)
Physical/Magical Piercing 10%
Accuracy 100
Critical Damage > All Damage > Boss Damage
Critical Rate main stat
As party leader, you can kick players by right clicking their name and clicking Kick from Party. You can leave parties by right clicking your name and clicking Leave Party.
Normal adventure dungeons have a max of 4 members and scales to party size.
Hard adventure dungeons have a max of 4 members and does not scale to party size, chaos raids have a max of 10 members does not scale to party size.
Kill Streak: 1-20 Kills = 1.00x EXP 21-30 Kills = 1.01x EXP 31-40 Kills = 1.04x EXP 41-50 Kills = 1.07x EXP 51-100
Kills = 1.10x EXP 101-x Kills = 1.15x EXP
Members: 2 Players 5% EXP, 10% Mesos, 1% Big Fish Catch
3 Players 7% EXP, 20% Mesos, 3% Big Fish Catch
4+ Players 10% EXP, 30% Mesos, 5% Big Fish Catch