Grand Theft Auto 3 Android Cheats - Magic Game World

Grand Theft Auto 3 Android Cheats

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How to Use PC Cheat Codes

You can actually enter the classic PC Cheat codes provided you have a keyboard for your Android device. Youc an use the built-in keyboard on the phone if you hold MENU. The keyboard will pop up and you can enter these codes.




  • tortoise – 100% Armor


  • gesundheit – 100% Health


  • cornerslikemad – Better Vehicle Handling


  • ilikedressingup – Change Outfit


  • skincancerforme – Clear Weather


  • timeflieswhenyou – Clock Moves Faster


  • ilikescotland – Cloudy Weather


  • nastylimbscheat – Crank Up Gore


  • bangbangbang – Destroy All Cars


  • chittycittybb – Flying Vehicle


  • peasoup – Foggy Weather


  • gunsgunsguns – Get All Weapons (Keep using to add ammo)


  • morepoliceplease – Higher Wanted Level


  • itsallgoingmaaad – Insane Pedstrians


  • anicesetofwheels – Invisible Cars


  • nopoliceplease – Lower Wanted Level


  • ifiwerearichman – More Money (Keep using for more cash)


  • nobodylikesme – Pedestrians Attack


  • weaponsforall – Pedtrians Fight One Another


  • ilovescotland – Rainy Weather


  • giveusatank – Spawn Vehicles (Keep using for different vehicles)


  • boooooring – Speed up Gameplay


  • madweather – Super-speedy Game Clock


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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