Company of Heroes: Eastern Front Cheat Codes
First thing you need to set the game up so you can use the console.
Step 1 – Go to the game
Step 2 – Right-click on the game select game properties
Step 3 – Click on launch options
Step 4 – Type this exactly as I do -dev and then hit enter
And that’s it now when you start a match that’s not online hit ctrl shift and ` you can also use ctrl-shift and ` or ¬ and for some ctrl-shift and ‘ or @
Cheat Codes
setsimrate(x) – Sets the game speed, where X represents a number (i.e. setsimrate (3)) and the default speed is 10.
taskbar_hide – Hides the Taskbar
taskbar_show – Shows the Taskbar
ee_bigheadmode(1/0) – Toggles the Big Head mode on (1) or off (0) if you want your infantry or units to look ridiculous.
restart – Restarts the game
abort – Aborts the game
statgraph() – Enables the “statgraph_channel” codes
statgraph_channel(“fps”) – Displays how many frames-per-second your game is running at, useful if you need to optimize your performance.
Message_Hide – Hides all incoming messages
Message_Show – Shows all incoming messages
Player_SetPopCapOverride(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 1000)
Change resources – Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Fuel, 9999)
Change resources – Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Manpower, 9999)
Change resources – Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Munition, 9999)
Reveal the map  –  FOW_RevealAll
Take good screenshots   –  taskbar_hide
To make the taskbar appear  –  taskbar_show
Note: In order for this to work you need to type it in exactly like I did use uppercase letter where there are uppercase letters.