Star Control: Origins – Star Control Quests Guide - Magic Game World

Star Control: Origins – Star Control Quests Guide

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Ceres Training Facility

In case your ship piloting skills are a little rusty you can go and get a refresher course at the Ceres facility.


Go to the Ceres facility and talk with Captain Emery about the trials. Complete them to test your skills and earn rewards:


  • Complete combat trial to get Advanced Nuke weapon module


  • Complete the third trial to get Point Defense weapon module



Expand Earth’s Influence

After forming some alliances you get the mission to obtain some hyperdrives so humanity can expand.


  • Discover potential colony sites:


Epsilon Trireme I


P3X-411, in Sirius A


Ebru, in Ross 154


Bring a hyperdrive to Star Control. Acceptable hyperdrives are:


  • Enforcer Drive, obtained at the end of the quest Stop the Drenkend


  • Possibly Stolen Hyperdrive, bought from the Menkmack


  • Overdrive, obtained from the Trandals after an alliance


100 units of Francium is also required. Good sources of Francium are:


  • Plutonic planets in general


  • Maven, in Castor A, has 140 units


  • Lisro, in Serpentis, has 127 units


  • Pilos, in Alpha Garanulus, has 101 units


After making one delivery Terran Cruisers are available for purchase.


After some time the planets will be colonized and Earth’s influence will expand.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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