NBA 2K20 - How to Create a Crew - Magic Game World

NBA 2K20 – How to Create a Crew


Follow these simple steps;


  • After logging into your MyCareerย selectย theย โ€œNavโ€ย button (for Xbox this is the โ€œYโ€ button on your controller).


  • Scroll down andย selectย theย โ€œCREWโ€ย button.


  • Once selected a secondary menu will appear.ย Selectย โ€œCREATE CREWโ€.


  • Enterย a new CREW team name andย selectย โ€œDoneโ€.


  • Enterย a City Name andย selectย โ€œDoneโ€.


  • Enterย a CREW Abbreviation andย selectย โ€œDoneโ€.


  • Once you have entered a CREW Team Name, City Name, and Abbreviationย selectย โ€œCONTINUEโ€.


  • Use theย โ€œCREW COLORSโ€ย andย โ€œCREW LOGOโ€ย options to set up the color and logo styles for your new CREW team.


  • Once you have finished setting up the branding of your CREW, exit the screen (for Xbox this can be done by pressing โ€œBโ€ ) and you will be asked if you would like to keep or remove your changes. If you are happy with your CREW brandย selectย โ€œKEEP CHANGES AND EXITโ€


  • In the navigation menu you have the option to edit your crew jersey and branding should you wish to make additional changes. Do this by following steps 1 and 2, then selectingย โ€œEDIT CREWโ€.ย 


  • Be sure to save all your changes.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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