Jagged Alliance 3: Cheats and Console Commands - Magic Game World

Jagged Alliance 3: Cheats and Console Commands


Jagged Alliance 3 has just hit the gaming scene in the summer of 2023, captivating players with its immersive gameplay and improved graphics. However, enthusiasts of the series might feel something is missing – the electrifying allure of cheat codes. While this latest installment doesn’t come packaged with built-in cheats, don’t abandon your mission just yet! There’s a path to navigate this new challenge that might escalate your gaming escapade to unprecedented heights.


Our solution in this scenario is a mod called the “Cheats Menu”. Bear in mind, this isn’t a batch of freshly made cheats but rather a key that unlocks the Developer Menu’s door, where the original cheat codes are stashed. The creator of this mod cautions that not all cheats may function flawlessly, but as the saying goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained”.


Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get the cheats rolling:




Make your way to the game’s workshop and download the “Cheats Menu” mod. After downloading, install the mod.




Next up, open your Mod Manager and activate the Cheats Menu mod.



Mod Options:

Head over to your game’s Options and you’ll find a new category – ‘Mod Options’. Go ahead and click on it. Make sure that the Cheats Menu mod is turned on. This step is critical – without it, the cheats won’t work.



Accessing Cheats:

Now that everything’s set, load your saved game. Hit the ‘Esc‘ key to pull up the main menu, and you should see a new option – ‘Cheats‘. This is your gateway to all those juicy cheat codes!


Voila! Now you’re all set to delve into the world of Jagged Alliance 3 with a little extra power under your belt. Remember, these cheats are pulled from the original Developer Menu and might not all work as expected. So, tread lightly and don’t be surprised if things get a little quirky!


One last thing: While cheat codes can turn the tide in your favor and provide a fun twist to the gameplay, they may also detract from the excitement of overcoming challenges as they were designed. So, use them wisely, and most importantly, enjoy your game. Happy gaming!


Jagged Alliance 3: 20 Tips and Tricks for Beginners


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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