House Flipper Cheats - Magic Game World

House Flipper Cheats

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Maximum Perks Cheat

If you want to get maximum perks and level up your abilities, then this guide shows you how to do that!



Follow these simple steps;

1) You have to open the file “PlayerProgress.dat” with a text editor in the following folder:

C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\LocalLow\Empyrean\House Flipper Game\Saves\


2) There, you jump to the section called “skills” and type in the number “9” in the string called “numberOfPerksAvailable”.


Here is an example how it has to look for the perks of cleaning:

“skills”: {
“cleaning”: {
“eyeOfTheMotherInLaw”: 0,
“fastHands”: 0,
“longDistance”: 0,
“numberOfPerksAvailable”: 9,
“isCertificated”: false


Now save and back in the game, you have 9 ability points in the category Cleaning. Repeat the step and type in the number 9 for all other categories like demolition, painting, building, design, negotiation, and handyman!



Infinite Money Cheat / Paint Cans

You can fill up your paint roller with any paint and then switch to another color without using up any more paint. This way you can use up your “old paint” before using the “new paint” when painting another room with a different color.


You can also use most of the paint and then sell it for a little less than you paid for it.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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