Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Buff/Nerf Gnar Build Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Buff/Nerf Gnar Build Guide

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Buff/Nerf Gnar Build

The central idea of this build is to use Gnarโ€™s inherent strength to buff allies and nerf enemies. This wonโ€™t prove to make Gnar, himself, overly strong but it will make a players army stronger, overall. Here is the build:


  • -Frozen Heartย (Tear of the Goddess and Chain Vest)


  • -Zekeโ€™s Heraldย (B.F. Sword and Giantโ€™s Belt)


  • -Frozen Malletย (Spatula and Giantโ€™s Belt)


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This build is meant to help Gnar synergize with a current army and have a large impact on the fight. Frozen Heart, arguably one of the strongest items in the game, keeps surrounding enemies from hitting him too hard while Zekeโ€™s Herald allows just the opposite for allies. Frozen Mallet allows for Gnar to become Glacial, which could help an army to gain that buff with less Glacial characters.



So, as a first choice, a Glacial frontline could help Gnar stay healthy while the backline dishes out damage. Because he needs allies around him, a Sorcerer or Knight composition could keep allies relatively in the fray. However, this build is intended to be fairly flexible overall, allowing other champs to carry the load of damage.



  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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