LEFT ALIVE™ Cheats - Magic Game World


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New Game+

You will receive approximately 10 points for each chapter you have completed before starting New Game+. The first time, you’ll have around 10 perks unlocked up front that you can choose from.


Each time you complete the story, you will be able to unlock additional skills and purchase them using points accumulated from playing the game in the New Game+ Shop, including:


* Handgun Mastery: Increases Handgun Strength.


* Bulletproof: Reduces the amount of damage taken.


* Ninja: Harder for unengaged enemies to notice you.


* Homeostasis: Decrease chance of bleeding and reduce time to recover from immobility.


* Additional Armor: Increased defense when piloting a Wanzer.


* Vodka Bender: Drinking vodka will increase your damage output for a time.


The more times you complete the game, the more points you will have to spend when you start over and more perks will be made available. For example, later playthroughs will have perks that make ammo appear more often.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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