Two Point Hospital – UI and Reading Your Menus
/UI and Reading Your Menus
Two Point Hospital has a fairly compact UI that gives you everything you need at a glance, as well as several sub-menus that tell you everything you’d ever want to know about your hospital, and then some.
The main UI gives you everything you need to know at a glance. Starting from the bottom left we have the main panel.
The green icon with the white mountain will take you back to the region screen, and the three dots will open the menu. Rooms will open the rooms panel and show you everything you’ve unlocked, as well as what you can build. Items opens the list of all items available to you, and Hire opens the staff hiring screen. All pretty self-explanatory, really.
The first tab with the green person icon will bring up three overview screens: one for all your staff members, which shows their pay, mood, skills, etc. The second one will show you patient info, including their boredom, hunger, thirst, illness, etc. And the last one shows you the illnesses you’ve researched, how many people have it, how many cures have succeeded (or failed), and where to cure it.
The second set of options under the yellow dollar sign show you finances. Overview shows you where your money is coming from, where it’s going, and can help you curb your spending, or figure out where to earn some more. Prices allows you to change how much you charge for every single option available in your hospital. You can let people get their head unscrewed for -20% less than normal, but charge people in the ward an additional 20%. Pricing affects your reputation and happiness; the higher the prices, the more people will hate coming, and your reputation will take a dive. Loans allows you to take out a loan from one of three banks, with various interest rates and payback terms.
The third set of options are visual overlays, that give you a breakdown of your hospital. For example, the first option — Attractiveness — will be green around areas that your staff and patients think are nice, and white around areas that aren’t. From left to right, top to bottom, the overlays available are:
The bottom right shows how much money you have available (hover over it to see your income, expenses, and profit). Your reputation and hospital level are under this, as well as your Kudosh, and the game speed controls. The calendar shows the current in-game date, with the awards happening at the end of every December.
The top row above your money are where you receive all your emails, and the blue tray icon lets you view your past messages.
The top right has two tabs. The first tab is your objectives, which list what you need to accomplish to gain a star. At the bottom of the objectives, you’ll have any special events, like emergencies or staff requests.
The second tab is the multiplayer challenge, which lets you compete with your friends against set challenges, such as curing the most patients or earning the most income, in a set amount of time. Winning the challenge will give you Kudosh.