Teamfight Tactics Negatron Cloak Combinations
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
27 Jun 2019
Teamfight Tactics Negatron Cloak Combinations
Negatron Cloak provides +20 magic resist.
- + B.F. Sword =Â The Bloodthirster:Â 50% Lifesteal.
- + Recurve Bow =Â Cursed Blade:Â Small chance to demote enemy unit by one star on hit.
- + Needlessly Large Rod = Ionic Spark:Â Whenever an enemy casts a spell they take damage.
- + Tear of the Goddess = Hush:Â Attacks have a high chance to Silence.
- + Chain Vest =Â Sword Breaker:Â Attacks have a chance to disarm the enemy.
- + Negatron Cloak = Dragon’s Claw: 83% resistance to magic damage.
- + Giant’s Belt = Zephyr: Banish an enemy for five seconds on combat start.
- + Spatula = Runaan’s Hurricane: Attacks hit up to two extra targets for 50% of normal damage.