Stories Untold Game Walkthrough / Solutions and Completion Guide
Chapter 1: The House Abandon
-> Starting cutscene
– open glovebox
– get out of car
– go to garden
– look around
– use generator
– go back
– use key
– go inside
– use switch
– go upstairs
– go to my sisters room
– look around
– open wardrobe
– look at photos (Achievement “Photos Of Another Time”)
– go back
– go to my room
– unwrap gift
-> Press Enter
– set up computer
– play game
->A cutscene plays
– open glovebox
– get out of car
– go to garden
– look around
– use generator
– go back
– use key
– go inside
– use switch
-> A cutscene plays
– stop alarm
– go to kitchen
– look at writing (Achievement “1986”)
– go back
– go upstairs
-> Wait a few seconds or type anyhting, a cutscene plays
– answer phone
– hang up
– use lock
– 1986
– open door
– go into my room
– read note
-> Press Enter
– end
– it was all my fault
– it was all my fault
– it was all my fault
-> Achievement “Finally”
Chapter 2: The Lab Conduct
-> Starting Cutscene
Experiment 01:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> This is your equipment layout
-> Click on the Camera
-> Click on the small black pentagonal switch in the middle of the CC86 Xray to load it
-> Switch the Tv Unit on (red-ish button in the bottom left corner of it) and put it in the xray setting by clicking the silver slider under the screen twice
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 02:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> Switch on the LZR II Laser and type 650 into the numpad
-> Change the Tv Unit to RGB mode by clicking on the silver slider two times
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 02B:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> type 510 into the numpad of the LZR II Laser
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 02C:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> Type 455 into the numpad of the LZR II Laser
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 03:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> switch the LZR II Laser off
-> Switch the Signal Generator on. Click on the round silver button, hold and move your mouse upwards till it reads 250HZ. Click the silver slider to put it in Sinus Wave mode (middle symbol)
-> Switch the AMP on. Click on the round button, hold and move your mouse upwards till you reach the first line on the display scale
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 03B:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> Click on the round silver button on th Signal Generator, hold and move your mouse upwards till it reads 500HZ
-> Click on the round button of the AMP, hold and move your mouse upwards till you reach the middle line on the display scale
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 03C:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> Move the slider on the Signal Generator up to the Square Wave (topmost symbol)
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 03D:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> Click on the round silver button on th Signal Generator, hold and move your mouse upwards till it reads 1000HZ
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Achievement “Heart Starter”
-> Press Enter
Experiment 04:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> Switch the Signal Generator off
-> Switch the AMP off
-> Click on the Drill
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Press Enter
Experiment 05A:
-> Press Tab to get to the equipment screen
-> Click on the handle on the left side of the test Chamber
-> A cutscene plays
-> Click on the glowing orb and hold
-> A cutscene plays
-> Move your cursor onto the orb till the light starts flickering red. Click and hold, the light will turn blue and trigger a cutscene. Now you are back in the text adventure mode you already know from the first chapter of the game. You will need to type the following:
– use computer
– open door
-> Move your cursor onto the orb till the light starts flickering red. Click and hold, the light will turn blue and trigger a cutscene
– move metal
– look around
– greet silhouette
-> Move your cursor onto the orb till the light starts flickering red. Click and hold, the light will turn blue and trigger a cutscene
– look around
– read writing (Achievement “The Chart”)
– remove wires
-> A cutscene plays
– leave bed
-> Move your cursor onto the orb till the light starts flickering red. Click and hold, the light will turn blue and trigger a cutscene
– use device
-> Use the arrow keys to enter the following first three symbols, then just go to the last and use the right arrow key three times till it triggers the cutscene
->Move your cursor onto the orb right in front the you, click and hold, the light will turn red and trigger a cutscene
-> Achievement “Revolt!”
Chapter 3: The Station Process
I had some problems with the game crashing in this part. If you do too, try putting the graphics to medium and to not use Tab to view the microfilm.
-> Starting cutscene
-> Log into your computer. The password is 03031968
First transmission:
-> A cutscene plays. When it is over enter the passcode 13 0 14 14 9 3
-> You get to this screen. Enter the following and press “Execute”
Second transmission:
-> A cutscene plays. When it is over enter the passcode 20 6 14 0 1 2
-> You get to this screen. Enter the following and press “Execute”
This is case sensitive!
Third transmission:
-> A cutscene plays. When it is over enter the passcode 0 9 7 7 3 0
-> You get to this screen. Enter the following and press “Execute”
This is case sensitive!
-> A cutscene plays
Distress call:
-> Switch the radio on and press the FM button. Click and hold the big round button, then move your mouse upwards till it reaches 8250 kHz
-> A cutsecene plays
Fourth transmission:
-> A cutscene plays. When it is over enter the passcode 15 2 21 10 4 7
-> You get to this screen. Enter the following and press “Execute”
This is case sensitive!
Fifth transmission:
-> A cutscene plays. When it is over enter the passcode 1 8 9 0 4 5
-> You get to this screen. Enter the following and press “Execute”
This is case sensitive!
-> Achievement “Correct Response”
-> A cutscene plays and then…
… it’s time to go outside!
-> You can not really get lost, just follow the way
-> Once you come down the stairs, look for two generators. One is to your right and the other one straight ahead
-> Switch the generators on by clicking on them. You can see if it worked when the lights next to them turn on
-> Next go and interact with the small console the cables connect to. Click to open it, then click three times till all the lights turn from red to green
-> A cutscene plays
-> Achievement: “Stretch Those Legs”
-> Walk back to your container
-> A cutscene plays
-> Achievement: “A Warm Place”
Chapter 4: The Last Session
-> Starting cutscene
-> In front of you on the table is a cassette recorder. Press the leftmost button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Click and hold on the orb in front of you till it triggers a cutscene
Polar Station:
-> Enter the passcode 20 12 19 86 23 04
-> You get to this screen. Enter the following and press “Execute”
This is case sensitive!
-> Switch the radio on and press the FM button. Click and hold the big round button, then move your mouse upwards till it reaches 7000 kHz
-> A cutscene plays and you find yourself in a storage room
-> Exit through the door at the other end of the room
Hospital Part 2:
-> You find the room names above the doors!
-> Enter the Oberservation Room. It’s the first door on your right. On the file cabinet in the corner you find the first cassete. Click on it to play it
-> Go back to the hallway and around the corner. At the wall next to the door to Ward 4 is a dispenser for hand sanitizer. Click it (Achievement: “Cleansed”)
-> Enter Ward 4 on your left. On the chair in the far left corner is the second cassette. Click on it to play it
-> Go back to the hallway and enter the Office. It’s the first room on the right. On the file cabinets you find the third cassette. Click on it to play it
-> Grab the keys from the desk
-> Go back to the hallway and enter the Pre-Surgery room. It’s the second door on the right. On a side table you find the last cassette. Click on it to play it (Achievement: “Time To Remember”)
-> Go to the end of the hallway and exit through the double door. Go around the corner and through the door from which the light shines in
-> A cutscene plays
-> This is your equipment layout
-> Switch the Signal Generator on. Click on the round silver button, hold and move your mouse upwards till it reads 100J
-> Switch the AMP on. Click on the round button, hold and move your mouse upwards till it’s on full charge
-> Switch the Tv Unit on
-> Click on the Camera
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Click on the round silver button on th Signal Generator, hold and move your mouse upwards till it reads 200J
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Click on the round silver button on th Signal Generator, hold and move your mouse upwards till it reads 360J
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Switch the Signal Generator off
-> Switch the AMP off
-> Click on the small black pentagonal switch in the middle of the CC86 Xray to load it
-> Put the TV Unit in the xray setting by clicking the silver slider under the screen twice
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
-> Click on the drill
-> Put the TV Unit in the RGB setting by clicking the silver slider under the screen twice
-> The Sync Master will start blinking green. Press the big green button
-> A cutscene plays
– go to hallway
– go to kitchen
– go to my sister
– yes
– get drink
– yes
-> Press Enter
– go to utility room
– take bottle
-> Press Enter
– go to kitchen
– go to hallway
– look at Jen
– type anything and press Enter
– type anything and press Enter
– type anything and press Enter
– type anything and press Enter
– type anything and press Enter
-> A cutscene plays
– go to living room
– look around
– look at coats
– go outside
– go outside
– use key
– use key
– start car
– release brake
– drive
– ask Jen
– go left
– go slower / go faster
– brake
-> A cutscene plays
– remove seatbelt
– get out of car
– put whiskey in blue car
-> Press Enter
– go to silhouette
-> A cutscene plays
Hospital Part 3:
-> Follow the hallway back to the Observation Room
-> Click on the cassette recorder on the table
-> A cutscene plays
-> Achievement “Admission”
-> Achievement “Stories, Told”