Star Wars Outlaws PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Star Wars Outlaws PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Star Wars Outlaws PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Escape the limits of straight-line tales and take off on a wild, space-wide trip with Star Wars Outlaws. Ubisoft’s trailblazing open-world quest shifts away from the usual Star Wars play style. This latest Star Wars game by Ubisoft is not like past offerings from EA. It brings a unique and creative twist. It doesn’t have the usual elements we see in Far Cry and Assassin’s Creed – this one looks like it’ll start a cool new lineup. Both the gameplay and the graphics offer something really different. Our easy guide will walk you through every default PC keyboard command and keybinding, and it’s all laid out for easy reference anytime you need a quick refresher.



PC Keyboard Controls & Default Key Bindings

  • W: Move forward.


  • S: Move backward.


  • A: Move left.


  • D: Move right.


  • E: Interact with objects and NPCs.


  • Shift: Sprint to run faster.


  • Space: Jump into the air.


  • CTRL: Crouch down.


  • H: Walk slowly.


  • N: Auto walk without holding the key.


  • CTRL: Dodge quickly.


  • C (while sprinting): Slide to move fast and avoid obstacles.


  • Y: Call in your speeder.


  • 5: Use electrobinoculars.


  • V: Melee attack with your weapon.


  • G: Heal using a bacta vial.


  • LMB (when equipped): Throw a grenade.


  • 4: Equip your grenade.


  • Z: Deploy a smoke bomb.


  • 6: Use the holoreader.


  • E: Engage in quick conversation.


  • T: Whistle to get attention.


  • LMB: Lockpick to unlock things.


  • U: Open your gear menu.


  • Scroll Wheel Up: Zoom in on your view.


  • Scroll Wheel Down: Zoom out for a wider view.


  • 1: Equip the plasma blaster.


  • 2: Equip the ion blaster.


  • 3: Equip the power blaster.


  • F: Equip the stun blaster.


  • MMB: Holster or unholster your weapon.


  • R: Reload your weapon.


  • LMB: Fire your weapon.


  • RMB: Aim your weapon.


  • Scroll Wheel Up: Switch to the next blaster.


  • Scroll Wheel Down: Switch to the previous blaster.


  • Q: Activate Nix mode.


  • X: Trigger an adrenaline rush.


  • E: Mark an enemy for targeting.


  • R: Remove an enemy mark.


  • LMB: Use adrenaline rush ability.


  • LMB: Issue Nix order 1.


  • RMB: Issue Nix order 2.


  • F: Issue Nix order 3.


  • 3: Issue Nix order 4.


  • R: Cancel the current order.


  • B: Activate Nix sense.


  • Space: Switch to aggressive Nix mode.


  • Scroll Wheel Up: Zoom in with binoculars.


  • Scroll Wheel Down: Zoom out with binoculars.


  • C: Mark a location with binoculars.


  • F: Place a marker with binoculars.


  • G: Annotate with binoculars.


  • C: Release the grapple.


  • E: Shorten the grapple line.


  • Q: Extend the grapple line.


  • Q: Project a hologram to the left.


  • E: Project a hologram to the right.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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