Shadwen PC Cheat Codes
Press F8 during the Game.
Cheat Code  Result
cheat.makeAiBlindAndDeaf() – Makes enemies not react to player
cheat.makeChildUndetectable() – Makes the child undetectable
cheat.makeChildNotMove() – Makes the child stay still
cheat.changeCharacter() – Changes the character you control
cheat.giveAll() – Gives you all the items and trap weapons in the game.
cheat.giveTraps() – Gives you one of each trap types used in the game.
cheat.giveItems() – Gives you one of each item in the game, excluding weapons such as traps
cheat.giveCraftingMaterials() – Gives you all of the games crafting materials
cheat.giveCraftingRecipes() – Gives you all of the games crafting recipes
cheat.givePoisonDartMine() – Gives 1 poison dart mine
cheat.giveProximityMine() – Gives you 1 proximity mine