Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death Cheats
Cheats, Heroes of Might and Magic /
09 Jan 2019
Cheat Codes
During gameplay press Tab and enter any of the following “Codes”:
- nwctheconstruct – 100,000 Gold and 100 of every resource is given to the player.
- nwczion – All buildings are constructed in every town.
- nwcphisherprice – Alternate Color Scheme (8-bit color?).
- nwcthereisnospoon – Selected hero is set to 999 Mana and given all spells.
- nwclotsofguns – Selected hero gains all war machines.
- nwcagents – Selected hero gains 10 Black Knights in empty creature slots.
- nwctrinity – Selected hero gains 5 Archangels in empty creature slots.
- nwcfollowthewhiterabbit – Selected hero gains full luck.
- nwcmorpheus – Selected hero gains full morale.
- nwcneo – Selected hero levels up.
- nwcnebuchadnezzar – Selected hero gains unlimited movement.
- nwcignoranceisbliss – Hide the world map.
- nwcbluepill – Instantly lose.
- nwcredpill – Instantly win.
- nwcwhatisthematrix – Reveal the world, subterranean as well.
- nwcoracle – Show the entire puzzle map.