Gladiator Guild Manager - Attribute Guide - Magic Game World

Gladiator Guild Manager – Attribute Guide

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The core of gladiator is the attributes, and with each level, you can increase up to five times. The best thing is that the consumables and items are also one way to increase the same attributes. Below you will have some attributes.




There is a limit to the amount of suffering your gladiator can have; it can even die after that. Each of the attributes will increase up to around sixty health points.




There is a cost of stamina in the game itself, which can be seen after an attack. After the stamina is depleted, your character needs to rest or stand for regeneration. Each skill you own requires stamina, but you can increase it after your skill is raised. Each of the attributes adds around 30 stamina points.




Movement is; how quickly your character is moving or zooming in on the battlefield. The standing character doesn’t need it, while the character for hunt needs it the most. With each attribute, you have 2 points of movement added.


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Intelligence, Agility, and Strength:

These are the things that are completely useless on their own, but they are the standing point of your gladiator. Each of the attributes adds around 2 points of strength, intelligence, and agility.



Capped Effect:

  • There is a limit, and after it is filled, you won’t feel an increase. With each increase in the point of intelligence, there will be around 0.05 seconds reduction. There is a minimum of around a .5 second cooldown, so you won’t find an increase if you have more than twenty intelligence.


  • The capped effect has increasing return; for example, when you have a 1-second cooldown, you will have fifty percent more attacks in the time. If you increase it to around ten percent, there will be cooldown around .5 second, that doubles the time or attack.



Uncapped Effect:

Each of the points in the strength raises the damage. There are 10 points added, so when you have 1000 strength, there will be around 10000 increases in damage. There is a diminishing effect or return in the uncapped effect. For example, you have double damage if you have a hundred damage and add around ten strengths. If you add more than ten strengths, your damage will only increase by around fifty percent.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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