Eco Cheat Codes
Articles, Misc. Guides /
07 Feb 2018
Press ENTER to open the chat window. Then activate one of the effects indicated below by entering the corresponding cheat phrase.
Note: All the cheats are entered through chat. No need to go through the console.
Cheat Codes
Cheat Code – Effect
- /help –Â Shows a list of commands.
- /pay [playername],[amount],[currencyname] –Â Pay an amount of money to another player. For Example: /pay Robert,100,Coins
- /unstuck –Â Attempts to unstick your avatar
- /fly –Â Toggles fly mode
- /admin [player] –Â Adds a user as an Admin
- /allskills –Â Unlocks all skills
- /allworldobjects –Â Spawns all world objects
- /allterrain –Â Spawns all diggable blocks
- /atm –Â Add atmosphere
- /day –Â Set and lock the server time to noon
- /destroymeteor –Â Destroys the meteor in orbit.
- /dumpcarried –Â Dumps all carried items.
- /give [itemname],(amount) –Â Give yourself an item. Usage: /give Lumber,10
- /noskills –Â Resets all skills to zero
- /ownall –Â Claim all property
- /poorbunnies –Â Kills all animals
- /setspawn –Â Changes the spawn location you your current location
- /skillpoints (amount) –Â Give yourself skill points
- /spawnlasers –Â Spawns the end-game lasers and power supplies, and drops thier power needs.
- /teleport (x),(y),(z) –Â Teleport to an xyz coordinate
- /teleportplayer [player] –Â Teleport to a player
- /vomit –Â Empties your stomach