Dominions 6: My Pretender Died, What Now? - Magic Game World

Dominions 6: My Pretender Died, What Now?

Dominions 6: My Pretender Died, What Now?

Okay, so you’re in a bit of a pickle – your Pretender in Dominions 6 just went kaput. No biggie… happens to the best of us. Let’s dive into what this means for your game & how you can bounce back stronger.



Dealing with the Fallout of Your Pretender’s Demise

Okay, your Pretender’s out for now… They’re gonna lose either a magic skill level or a dominion strength point. In Dominions 6, it’s not a blanket loss across all magic paths – it’s more targeted & maybe less of a headache than before. The math? It’s a base 50% chance of losing a magic skill, spiking 10% for each Nature magic level they had. If they don’t lose magic or don’t have any to lose, then it’s a dominion strength point that goes bye-bye.



The Magic Shuffle: Losses & Gains

The magic loss is somewhat of a dice roll – Nature’s usually the first to go, & Death magic? Not so much. But here’s the kicker – your Pretender can actually gain skills in Death, Astral, or Blood magic from dying. Kinda ironic, right?



Dominion Strength Can’t Hit Rock Bottom

Here’s some good news: your Pretender’s dominion strength won’t drop below 1, no matter how many times they check out. This means they’ve always got a bit of divine clout left in the tank.



The Undying Legends: Immortal Pretenders

Got an immortal Pretender? Sweet – they’ve got a neat perk. If they die in friendly territory, they’ll respawn at home base, no harm done. But if they take the L in enemy lands, normal rules apply. Just watch out for soul slaying – that stuff’s a game-ender for immortality.



The ‘Call God’ Strategy: Resurrection 101

Your Pretender’s down but definitely not out. Time to get those priests on the Call God grind. Each priest level adds 1 resurrection point per turn. You’re aiming for around 50 points, but the exact number’s a bit hazy on purpose – keeps you on your toes, right?? In disciple games, you’ll need even more points… So, rally those priests!



Case Study: The Pretender of Vanarus

Let’s say your Vanarus Pretender had Nature 3 & met their end. The odds are 80% for losing a magic skill level, & if that doesn’t happen, one dominion strength point is gone. Get your priests working on Call God & your Pretender could be back in roughly ten turns. Strategy is key here.



Special Mention: The Favored Nations, Ur & Uruk

If you’re playing as Ur or Uruk, count your blessings. Your god can return from the dead without any magic level or dominion strength penalties… That’s a serious advantage!


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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