BATTLETECH - Gameplay Tips - Magic Game World

BATTLETECH – Gameplay Tips

BATTLETECH - Gameplay Tips

-Critical hits are two-stage – the first crit damages the weapon and makes it less accurate, the second destroys it. Orange for damaged, red for destroyed.


-You never, never, EVER put ammo in the CT (Center Torso). A crit blowing up your ammo will destroy the location the ammo is stored in. If this is an arm, a leg or a side torso, your mech lives on. If the ammo blows in your CT, your mech is dead.


-Lighter mechs get to move first so use Initiative to your advantage. Reserve while safe then shoot when he gets to move last. You can then move back into a safe spot.


-Multi-target and Breaching Shot – if you attack three targets with only one weapon each, Breaching Shot will trigger for each attack.


-Use Missiles first to remove Evasion as they’re more likely to do actual damage thanks to each Missile having an individual roll.


-Vehicles will die if any one section loses its structure.


-Mechs will die if: both legs are taken out, head, or the CT.


-The main character can’t die.


-If a friendly pilot is incapacitated the chances of death are as follows: 90% – (Guts * 5%) or if the cockpit is destroyed 140% – (Guts * 5%).


-Focus fire. As the enemy mechs are identified, look at their load-outs, their armor placement, and their ammo placement. What is their optimal range, can you exploit that somehow? Identify the greatest threat and eliminate it. Also worth shooting at the ammo locations as you get more BANG for your buck. Once incapacitated, move on to the next biggest threat.


-Knocking mechs down gives you automatic called shots (unless you multi-target) which provides the same a similar effect as Precise Shot without using morale/knocking the enemy down an initiative phase. Knock-downed mechs always land on their backs. Combine this with a maneuver to get a side shot to focus fire into the section you desire to be, no more.


-Remember this isn’t X-Com! The game play is a lot different and you will need to use many different tactics for the situation.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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